
A chance to walk with Eve

To me, Eve is a beautiful woman.  She embodies strength, femininity, empowerment, vulnerability, grace, hope, and integrity.

To me, she is complete by herself; she chooses to be one with Adam.

I imagine her experiencing life - its raw harshness and its fulfilling joy.

She was first because she was supposed to be.   Because somewhere in the beginnings of worlds, she was just as important, and just as worthy as Adam.

I feel a bond with her, imagined or real, I cannot say.  But I love her.  I love her for being the first woman.  I love her for eating that fruit that brought death upon this world.  I love her for loving Adam.  I love her for having a family.  And, it's true, I project my own trials, my own joys, my own needs, upon her.  I do it because I want to believe that she knows perfectly, what it's like to be, to exist as, to experience this thing, called woman.  I like to believe she chose it, that we all did.

I'd like a chance to walk with Eve.  To listen to her tell her story, to learn from her, to laugh at her foibles and cry with her pain, to rejoice in her joy.  I'd like to get to know her.

And someday I may.  I may. . .

But while I wait, I like to think that I am surrounded by Eves.  Beautiful women who have the qualities of my Eve.  Women who do the best they can with the information and resources they are given.  Women who experience life with all it's facets.  Beautiful, beautiful women.

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